Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
call_old_weight | 3e00 | 5 | |
instantiate_with_code_old_weight | 3e01 | 6 | |
instantiate_old_weight | 3e02 | 6 | |
upload_code | 3e03 | 3 | |
remove_code | 3e04 | 1 | |
set_code | 3e05 | 2 | |
call | 3e06 | 5 | |
instantiate_with_code | 3e07 | 6 | |
instantiate | 3e08 | 6 | |
migrate | 3e09 | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
Instantiated | 3e00 | ["AccountId","AccountId"] | |
Terminated | 3e01 | ["AccountId","AccountId"] | |
CodeStored | 3e02 | ["Hash"] | |
ContractEmitted | 3e03 | ["AccountId","Bytes"] | |
CodeRemoved | 3e04 | ["Hash"] | |
ContractCodeUpdated | 3e05 | ["AccountId","Hash","Hash"] | |
Called | 3e06 | ["Origin","AccountId"] | |
DelegateCalled | 3e07 | ["AccountId","CodeHash"] |
Name | Type | |
PristineCode | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Identity"],"key_vec":["H256"],"value":"Vec<U8>","keys_id":12,"value_id":427}} | |
CodeInfoOf | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Identity"],"key_vec":["H256"],"value":"pallet_contracts:wasm:CodeInfo","keys_id":12,"value_id":428}} | |
Nonce | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":11} | |
ContractInfoOf | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"pallet_contracts:storage:ContractInfo","keys_id":0,"value_id":429}} | |
DeletionQueue | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32"],"value":"Vec<U8>","keys_id":4,"value_id":300}} | |
DeletionQueueCounter | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"pallet_contracts:storage:DeletionQueueManager","PlainTypeValue":431} | |
MigrationInProgress | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Vec<U8>","PlainTypeValue":432} |
Name | Type | Value | |
Schedule | pallet_contracts:schedule:Schedule | 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 | |
DepositPerByte | U128 | 00879303000000000000000000000000 | |
DefaultDepositLimit | U128 | 000046335c3900000000000000000000 | |
DepositPerItem | U128 | 80d1f008000000000000000000000000 | |
MaxCodeLen | U32 | 00ec0100 | |
MaxStorageKeyLen | U32 | 80000000 | |
UnsafeUnstableInterface | Bool | 00 | |
MaxDebugBufferLen | U32 | 00002000 |
Name | Docs |
InvalidSchedule | Invalid schedule supplied, e.g. with zero weight of a basic operation. |
InvalidCallFlags | Invalid combination of flags supplied to `seal_call` or `seal_delegate_call`. |
OutOfGas | The executed contract exhausted its gas limit. |
OutputBufferTooSmall | The output buffer supplied to a contract API call was too small. |
TransferFailed | Performing the requested transfer failed. Probably because there isn't enoughfree balance in the sender's account. |
MaxCallDepthReached | Performing a call was denied because the calling depth reached the limitof what is specified in the schedule. |
ContractNotFound | No contract was found at the specified address. |
CodeTooLarge | The code supplied to `instantiate_with_code` exceeds the limit specified in thecurrent schedule. |
CodeNotFound | No code could be found at the supplied code hash. |
CodeInfoNotFound | No code info could be found at the supplied code hash. |
OutOfBounds | A buffer outside of sandbox memory was passed to a contract API function. |
DecodingFailed | Input passed to a contract API function failed to decode as expected type. |
ContractTrapped | Contract trapped during execution. |
ValueTooLarge | The size defined in `T::MaxValueSize` was exceeded. |
TerminatedWhileReentrant | Termination of a contract is not allowed while the contract is alreadyon the call stack. Can be triggered by `seal_terminate`. |
InputForwarded | `seal_call` forwarded this contracts input. It therefore is no longer available. |
RandomSubjectTooLong | The subject passed to `seal_random` exceeds the limit. |
TooManyTopics | The amount of topics passed to `seal_deposit_events` exceeds the limit. |
NoChainExtension | The chain does not provide a chain extension. Calling the chain extension resultsin this error. Note that this usually shouldn't happen as deploying such contractsis rejected. |
DuplicateContract | A contract with the same AccountId already exists. |
TerminatedInConstructor | A contract self destructed in its constructor.This can be triggered by a call to `seal_terminate`. |
ReentranceDenied | A call tried to invoke a contract that is flagged as non-reentrant.The only other cause is that a call from a contract into the runtime tried to call backinto `pallet-contracts`. This would make the whole pallet reentrant with regard tocontract code execution which is not supported. |
StorageDepositNotEnoughFunds | Origin doesn't have enough balance to pay the required storage deposits. |
StorageDepositLimitExhausted | More storage was created than allowed by the storage deposit limit. |
CodeInUse | Code removal was denied because the code is still in use by at least one contract. |
ContractReverted | The contract ran to completion but decided to revert its storage changes.Please note that this error is only returned from extrinsics. When called directlyor via RPC an `Ok` will be returned. In this case the caller needs to inspect the flagsto determine whether a reversion has taken place. |
CodeRejected | The contract's code was found to be invalid during validation.The most likely cause of this is that an API was used which is not supported by thenode. This happens if an older node is used with a new version of ink!. Try updatingyour node to the newest available version.A more detailed error can be found on the node console if debug messages are enabledby supplying `-lruntime::contracts=debug`. |
Indeterministic | An indetermistic code was used in a context where this is not permitted. |
MigrationInProgress | A pending migration needs to complete before the extrinsic can be called. |
NoMigrationPerformed | Migrate dispatch call was attempted but no migration was performed. |